These are the digital files for my “Medicine Wall Cabinet”. Included is the Autodesk Fusion 360 design CAD file, which also contains all the Manufacturing and CAM toolpaths that I used to cut this project out on my CNC machine. I have not exported any STL models for this file; you will need Fusion to open it.
The carcass is built with through dovetails cut on the CNC; the CAD/CAM is a good example of how to do this!
Video: Build video link: Building a Wall Cabinet with Modern Woodworking
NOTES: The Fusion CAM/Toolpath Setups use work offsets (G55, G56, etc). You will need to change these back to G54 or your own offsets. The file also shows mortise and tenons for the top face frame and top rails on the door. In the end, I decided to cut these off and not use them, and instead did some floating tenons with a Festool Domino.
The cabinet I built is mainly made from 4/4 S3S cherry, planed down to 3/4″, and a few pieces of maple for accents.
The download also had a PDF with some of my notes and the materials/bits that I used.
- Finish: – Osmo
- White pads: – Whatever brand
- 1/4” downcut bit: – Freud
- Alternative: 1/4” downcut bit: – Whiteside
- 1/4” spiral upcut bit: – Whiteside
- 1/4″ ballnose bit: – any brand will work; doesn’t have to be long
- 1/4” flush trim bit / pattern bit: – Whiteside
- Waterproof glue: – Tightbond
- Double sided tape: – this one is the best!
- 3D Print: Toe Clamp Hold Downs
- 3D Print: Featherboard (not my design):
** Some links are Affiliate links where I earn a small commission. These are the actual products that I have bought and used without any sponsorship!