Digital Files: Miter Station Cabinet Design CAD Files


Video Build:

These are the CAD files for my Miter Station and Shop Cabinet designs. They are done in Autodesk Fusion, and require the paid version of Fusion due to my use of “Configurations” for the Drawers.

Each file uses imported components; so if you have missing components you will have to hook them up with subsequent files. If you open one file that contains others, it seems to bring them along with it. So, you likely only have to upload “Miter Station…f3z”, but I’ll provide all of them just in case.

Install/load all files into a new “Project” in Autodesk Fusion to make this work.

For everything, download – This references the above Cabinet component, and mirrors it to create two of them. My CAM / Toolpaths are all setup in this file as a reference for how I did my cuts (feeds, speeds, bits, etc).

Just the drawer: – the CNC dovetail’ed drawer setup for Blum hardware in various Configurations for heights.

Just the cabinet: – The cabinet design that uses the Drawer component above.